Girly Girl 411
If you're not Co-washing, then where have you been? Do you get up every single morning to go through the tedious ritual of shampooing and then conditioning your hair for a wash n' go hair style? Well, listen up! Stop shampooing right now!
I know you think I might be crazy but I promise you that thousands(if not millions) of people do this every single day. Wash hair with conditioner instead of shampoo! Enjoy softer, smoother, more moisturized hair while not compromising clean hair. In this article, I'll explain co-washing, how to do one and some of the benefits of conditioner only washing.
What is the art of washing with conditioner?
Conditioner washing is referred to by several names including: Co-washing, conditioner-only washing, conditioner rinse. Simply put, it means washing hair with conditioner. Just as you take shampoo and massage it into your roots and hair, you do the same with conditioner. Amazingly, it cleanses your hair - but gently.
If you're not Co-washing, then where have you been? Do you get up every single morning to go through the tedious ritual of shampooing and then conditioning your hair for a wash n' go hair style? Well, listen up! Stop shampooing right now!
I know you think I might be crazy but I promise you that thousands(if not millions) of people do this every single day. Wash hair with conditioner instead of shampoo! Enjoy softer, smoother, more moisturized hair while not compromising clean hair. In this article, I'll explain co-washing, how to do one and some of the benefits of conditioner only washing.
What is the art of washing with conditioner?
Conditioner washing is referred to by several names including: Co-washing, conditioner-only washing, conditioner rinse. Simply put, it means washing hair with conditioner. Just as you take shampoo and massage it into your roots and hair, you do the same with conditioner. Amazingly, it cleanses your hair - but gently.
Why on earth would I only use conditioner?
There are many reasons why you can choose to do a
conditioner only wash:
You like to wet your hair daily but shampooing strips it.
Shampooing makes your hair frizzy and dry.
You don't use a lot of styling products and just need a light wash.
Your scalp is allergic to shampoo.
You experience a lot of tangles when you shampoo and just don't have time for that every day.
Co-washes keep your hair moisturized and super conditioned. Many naturally curly women do co-washes daily to help them maintain frizz free moisturized curls. Conditioner washes help your hair hold on to moisture because you are constantly opening the hair cuticle and putting vital moisture (water and conditioner) into your hair. The more often you conditioner wash, the better your results will be.
How do you do a conditioner wash?
It's pretty simple to do a co wash:
Rinse your hair thoroughly in the shower. At this time you can divide it into two sections if your hair is long and curly.
Massage the conditioner into your hair and rub your scalp with your fingertips to cleanse it.
Next, take your shower comb and gently comb through your hair.
You can rinse 100% but I prefer rinsing about 90-95% when co-washing especially with curls to avoid frizz.
What hair types should do a conditioner rinse?
If your hair is curly, you are a prime candidate for conditioner rinses. They will keep your hair fresh and define your curls. Your hair will also smell wonderful from the various scents of the Suave and V05 conditioners!
If your hair is relaxed, you can follow the exact same method above. In fact, to give your hair a break, do conditioner only washes for 5 days in a row. Your hair will become super conditioned and soft.
Can I request a conditioner only wash at a salon?
Hmm, probably not! See, when you got to a hair salon, they want your hair completely stripped of all former styling products so they always shampoo your hair and it is usually stripping! I would suggest that you do not request a conditioner wash at a salon - they might look at you like you're crazy!
Instead, do your co-washes at home for curly hair styling and to give your relaxed hair a break.
Is there anything else I should know?
Yes, just a couple of things.
Never, ever use a protein conditioner to do a conditioner only wash! Protein conditioners are made to be used only occasionally to add strength to hair.
How to Condition with Protein?
In order to condition with protein you need just a few tools: your protein conditioner, a moisturizing conditioner, a plastic cap, and a hooded dryer.
After washing and conditioning your hair, apply your protein conditioner thoroughly.
Pin it up and put on a plastic cap.
Sit under the dryer on warm for at least 15-20 minutes. Let cool.
Rinse and apply a moisturizing conditioner.
Protein can lead to hard, brittle, and fragile hair if not used correctly. Always use a light conditioner for a co-wash.
Also, you will need to occasionally wash your hair with a good shampoo free from sulfates, parabens and chlorides, like organic black soap. My recommendation would be once a month or sooner if you're doing conditioner rinses daily. This will remove all remnants of styling products and any conditioner build-up so that you are ready to style your hair straight or start over with conditioner washes.
Conditioner washes are a wonderful way to keep your hair clean and moisturized at the exact same time! Try various scents of Suave and V05 conditioners to keep it fun. Experiment with how much conditioner to leave in your hair. Figure out when it's a good time to shampoo your hair and start all over again! I hope you have fun with your conditioner washes!
As you can see, using a protein conditioner is not difficult and it can be extremely beneficial to hair in keeping up its strength enabling you to have healthier, longer hair.
Whether or not you're currently experiencing damage, protein treatments should be a regular part of your hair care routine.
The Benefits of Coconut Oil~
Coconut oil accelerates the body's metabolism by relieving stress on the pancreas. Coconut oil contains healthy saturated fats that prevent foods from becoming incompletely digested, which in turn aids enzyme and thyroid function.
Naturopathic doctor Bruce Fife states that by substituting coconut oil for other oils in recipes, individuals end up eating less because the beneficial fats in coconut oil naturally make people feel fuller sooner than if they had ingested other dietary oils.
The coconut diet is not necessarily a "diet" because instead of limiting or restricting the dieter's food intake, it replaces the widely used refined fats with coconut oil to incorporate a lifelong weight reduction plan that is based on the healthier coconut oil fat.
While coconut oil has been recognized as a soothing skin massage oil, it is also an efficient dry skin treatment that eradicates skin flaking. Coconut oil is very rich in vitamin E, which clears skin blockages and diminishes various skin infections such as psoriasis, acne, eczema and dermatitis. Coconut oil also inhibits face wrinkling and prevents overall skin sagging, therefore, it is widely used as the basis for skin lotions, soaps and creams.
Defining Your Natural Coil~
What you want to look for when choosing hair styling products that promise to give you wavy no frizz hair is the ingredients in the bottle, look for things such as vitamin E, soybean oil, sunflower seed oil, aloe vera is good too.
Aloe vera juice is a good PH balancing agent to add to a great leave in conditioner, also you have to find a product like, like not today that helps your hair, keep its definition. There are a number of things that come into play like humidity, and how much product you have in your hair.
You can style hair in a way that will loosen its tight texture pattern. After shampooing and conditioning, apply natural oils and/or a clear, light gel. Then braid or twist your hair. The number of plaits or twists is up to you. Small braids and twists will leave hair more tightly curled than larger braided or twisted sections. Let the hair dry.
Acerola Berry Antioxidant
94% BIODEGRADABLE FORMULAA lightweight leave in conditioner is great to help with moisture through your styles.
How often should you co-wash your hair? Some people report co-washing their hair on a daily basis and styling hair while wet into an afro, or and Afro puff. Others report co-washing hair two or three times a week. People with very thick and long hair that takes hours to dry, co-wash their hair only once a week.
Should people who co-wash ever use shampoo. Shampoo should be used once every three of four washes. For people who co-wash their hair on a daily basis, shampoo should be used once a week. The reason for using shampoo occasionally is to remove any build up from the conditioner.
Does co-washing really make hair more manageable? I did have an accidental experiment with co-washing hair. My teenage daughter has the kind of hair that most African American Women would kill for. A few months ago, for several weeks in a row I sent her to wash her hair saying only, please use conditioner. Around the third wash, I realized her hair had become very soft. I asked her what she had done differently and she replied, "I washed my hair with conditioner". She had followed my instructions to the word and only used conditioner. Therefore, my accidental trial showed that co-washing hair could make hair softer and more manageable. I am currently doing this, co-washing her hair every week to two weeks. Her hair is growing like a weed and is healthy, shiny and soft.
Pin it up and finish your shower.
Get a cheap conditioner like Suave or V05. I even deep condition with these two. You don't want to use anything expensive because you will use a lot of it and you want something somewhat thin to penetrate your hair quickly. Take the conditioner and apply a dollop to your hair over and over again until you have thoroughly saturated your hair.
Massage the conditioner into your hair and rub your scalp with your fingertips to cleanse it.
Next, take your shower comb and gently comb through your hair.
You can rinse 100% but I prefer rinsing about 90-95% when co-washing especially with curls to avoid frizz.
What hair types should do a conditioner rinse?
If your hair is curly, you are a prime candidate for conditioner rinses. They will keep your hair fresh and define your curls. Your hair will also smell wonderful from the various scents of the Suave and V05 conditioners!
If your hair is relaxed, you can follow the exact same method above. In fact, to give your hair a break, do conditioner only washes for 5 days in a row. Your hair will become super conditioned and soft.
Can I request a conditioner only wash at a salon?
Hmm, probably not! See, when you got to a hair salon, they want your hair completely stripped of all former styling products so they always shampoo your hair and it is usually stripping! I would suggest that you do not request a conditioner wash at a salon - they might look at you like you're crazy!
Instead, do your co-washes at home for curly hair styling and to give your relaxed hair a break.
Is there anything else I should know?
Yes, just a couple of things.
Never, ever use a protein conditioner to do a conditioner only wash! Protein conditioners are made to be used only occasionally to add strength to hair.
How to Condition with Protein?
In order to condition with protein you need just a few tools: your protein conditioner, a moisturizing conditioner, a plastic cap, and a hooded dryer.
After washing and conditioning your hair, apply your protein conditioner thoroughly.
Pin it up and put on a plastic cap.
Sit under the dryer on warm for at least 15-20 minutes. Let cool.
Rinse and apply a moisturizing conditioner.
Protein can lead to hard, brittle, and fragile hair if not used correctly. Always use a light conditioner for a co-wash.
Also, you will need to occasionally wash your hair with a good shampoo free from sulfates, parabens and chlorides, like organic black soap. My recommendation would be once a month or sooner if you're doing conditioner rinses daily. This will remove all remnants of styling products and any conditioner build-up so that you are ready to style your hair straight or start over with conditioner washes.
Conditioner washes are a wonderful way to keep your hair clean and moisturized at the exact same time! Try various scents of Suave and V05 conditioners to keep it fun. Experiment with how much conditioner to leave in your hair. Figure out when it's a good time to shampoo your hair and start all over again! I hope you have fun with your conditioner washes!
As you can see, using a protein conditioner is not difficult and it can be extremely beneficial to hair in keeping up its strength enabling you to have healthier, longer hair.
Whether or not you're currently experiencing damage, protein treatments should be a regular part of your hair care routine.
Coconut oil accelerates the body's metabolism by relieving stress on the pancreas. Coconut oil contains healthy saturated fats that prevent foods from becoming incompletely digested, which in turn aids enzyme and thyroid function.
Naturopathic doctor Bruce Fife states that by substituting coconut oil for other oils in recipes, individuals end up eating less because the beneficial fats in coconut oil naturally make people feel fuller sooner than if they had ingested other dietary oils.
The coconut diet is not necessarily a "diet" because instead of limiting or restricting the dieter's food intake, it replaces the widely used refined fats with coconut oil to incorporate a lifelong weight reduction plan that is based on the healthier coconut oil fat.
While coconut oil has been recognized as a soothing skin massage oil, it is also an efficient dry skin treatment that eradicates skin flaking. Coconut oil is very rich in vitamin E, which clears skin blockages and diminishes various skin infections such as psoriasis, acne, eczema and dermatitis. Coconut oil also inhibits face wrinkling and prevents overall skin sagging, therefore, it is widely used as the basis for skin lotions, soaps and creams.
Dry Scalp & Remedies:
A dry scalp can be distressing, particularly when accompanied by flaking, itching and redness. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, dryness in the skin and scalp is common among people of all colors, but it can be more apparent on those with darker skin. Furthermore, oil-based hair products used to manage African American hair can exacerbate certain scalp conditions. Talk with a dermatologist if you are concerned about the health of your scalp.
Dry scalps look gray or ashy on those with darker skin. The skin may flake and peel off, as well as become itchy and potentially inflamed if scratched at or left untreated. You may also notice the skin on your scalp begin to scale; these scales can range from white to silver and vary in thickness and intensity, depending on the severity of your dry skin and any underlying conditions. When your dry scalp persists, the flaking skin may clog your hair follicles and lead to temporary hair loss.
Some skin is naturally drier than others, and this may be all that is causing your dehydrated scalp. However, you may also have a condition like dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis or scalp psoriasis, all of which cause itching and flaking skin in addition to a dried-out scalp. Ringworm, a contagious fungal infection on your scalp, can also cause these symptoms, as well as hair breakage and loss.
Hair pomades or oils can soothe a dry scalp, but the American Academy of Dermatology warns that these greasy products can make scalp conditions like dandruff and psoriasis worse. They may even cause a bacterial infection on your scalp. Instead, wash your hair with a moisturizing anti-dandruff shampoo every other day, and talk to a dermatologist about the ingredients to look for in a conditioner to keep your scalp moisturized without adding oil to it. A dermatologist can also give you anti-fungal medications if you have ringworm or prescription-strength shampoos if your dandruff is severe.
Showering in hot water can dry out your skin, including your scalp, even further, says DermNet NZ. Limit your bathing time, and use lukewarm water. Do not soak your hair in hot water, which can strip it of moisture and essential oils, making your dry scalp worse. Swimming in chlorinated water can also dry out your skin. Cut down on the time you spend in the pool, and wash your hair and scalp with a moisturizing shampoo as soon as you finish to get the chlorine out.
If your scalp dryness is severe or becomes inflamed or painful, seek medical attention. Also consult a doctor if you experience sudden or excessive hair loss, as you might have an underlying medical condition that requires treatment.
Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair
The major benefits of apple cider vinegar for hair are maintaining healthy hair, treating dandruff, promoting hair growth, reducing hair loss and killing head lice. For treating hair problems, diluted vinegar is applied directly to hair or drink in between meals.
Vinegar is a liquid yielded after fermentation, which nearly all of us have in our kitchen shelves. There are countless number of vinegar uses, of which some include cleaning furniture, cooking, food preservation, weed control, health application, etc. In fact, there is hardly any other food based liquid that is as useful as vinegar. Further researches have revealed the unique properties of apple cider vinegar as an effectual tonic for health. It is said to be very effective in natural hair treatments. Let's see why!
How Apple Cider Vinegar Can Benefit Your Hair
This vinegar is made from the pulverized form of apples. This versatile liquid containing acetic acid as the base ingredient is found to have multiple vitamins, mineral salts, pectin and many other nutrients. As far as the benefits are concerned, you can experience positive changes include this liquid in your routine hair care regimen.
Gives Softer Hair All of us wants shiny, soft and tangle free hair that is easy to manage. A simple and natural way to achieve the same is by applying apple cider vinegar to moist hair. Shampoo your hair with a reliable product, as you do on a regular basis. Apply diluted vinegar as a gentle rinse to get lustrous and gentler hair.
Treats Dandruff ProblemSo, you are tired of dandruff and the dirty looking whitish scales? Instead of relying on expensive and harsh chemical based solutions, use this vinegar in appropriate concentration to treat dandruff in the natural way. A major benefit of this vinegar for your hair and scalp treatment, is getting rid of irritating dandruff within a short time.
Helps Kill Head LiceThe benefits also include treating head lice in children. For best results, mix equal parts of tea tree oil and cider vinegar, and use the mixture as a hair rinse solution. The combined effect of tea tree oil (possessing antiparasitic property) and acidic cider vinegar will kill head lice effectually.
Promotes Fast Hair GrowthAs aforementioned, cider vinegar contains essential vitamins and minerals that help in maintaining healthy hair. In order to use the vinegar for hair growth, mix 2 ounces water, 2 ounces cider vinegar and 5 drops of sage essential oil. Use this mixture for rinsing hair before shampooing to achieve thicker hair growth.
Helps Treat Hair LossIf you go through the root cause of hair loss, it is due to the lack of essential salts. Using this vinegar regularly will help in restoring the natural nutrient balance, thereby, promoting regrowth of lost hair. The effective result of this hair loss treatment can be seen within 2 months of its regular usage.
How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair?
Given the importance of this vinegar's benefits for hair, several hair care products contain this liquid as one of their ingredients. If you are impressed with the benefits and want to try it, make sure you purchase pure, organic cider vinegar. You can buy it from grocery stores and nutrition centers. Here are some tips you can follow!
For normal healthy hair, rinse shampooed hair with this vinegar and wash thoroughly with water. Towel dry hair or use a hair dryer at low setting.For treating dandruff, mix 3 teaspoon of this vinegar, 1 egg, 1ounce olive oil and 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Use this concoction before shampooing and leave for 20 minutes.
For hair growth, cover the scalp and hair with dilute cider vinegar and sage oil concoction. Consider wrapping hair with a towel for 30 minutes and then wash your hair.
In order to reap the benefits for hair loss treatment, drink diluted vinegar solution in between meals. Add 1 teaspoon of cider vinegar in one glass of water for the purpose.
So, this was an overview about the benefits and usage of apple cider vinegar. In alternative medicine, the health benefits of apple cider vinegar are analyzed in detail. Most of the claims lack scientific proof and therefore, require further clinical studies for approval. However, the plus point is there is lesser side effects with this liquid. It is stated that drinking undiluted cider vinegar may affect the dental enamel, as it is an acidic solution. Hence, while using vinegar for direct consumption or hair applications, it is best to dilute it first with water.
A dry scalp can be distressing, particularly when accompanied by flaking, itching and redness. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, dryness in the skin and scalp is common among people of all colors, but it can be more apparent on those with darker skin. Furthermore, oil-based hair products used to manage African American hair can exacerbate certain scalp conditions. Talk with a dermatologist if you are concerned about the health of your scalp.
Dry scalps look gray or ashy on those with darker skin. The skin may flake and peel off, as well as become itchy and potentially inflamed if scratched at or left untreated. You may also notice the skin on your scalp begin to scale; these scales can range from white to silver and vary in thickness and intensity, depending on the severity of your dry skin and any underlying conditions. When your dry scalp persists, the flaking skin may clog your hair follicles and lead to temporary hair loss.
Some skin is naturally drier than others, and this may be all that is causing your dehydrated scalp. However, you may also have a condition like dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis or scalp psoriasis, all of which cause itching and flaking skin in addition to a dried-out scalp. Ringworm, a contagious fungal infection on your scalp, can also cause these symptoms, as well as hair breakage and loss.
Hair pomades or oils can soothe a dry scalp, but the American Academy of Dermatology warns that these greasy products can make scalp conditions like dandruff and psoriasis worse. They may even cause a bacterial infection on your scalp. Instead, wash your hair with a moisturizing anti-dandruff shampoo every other day, and talk to a dermatologist about the ingredients to look for in a conditioner to keep your scalp moisturized without adding oil to it. A dermatologist can also give you anti-fungal medications if you have ringworm or prescription-strength shampoos if your dandruff is severe.
Showering in hot water can dry out your skin, including your scalp, even further, says DermNet NZ. Limit your bathing time, and use lukewarm water. Do not soak your hair in hot water, which can strip it of moisture and essential oils, making your dry scalp worse. Swimming in chlorinated water can also dry out your skin. Cut down on the time you spend in the pool, and wash your hair and scalp with a moisturizing shampoo as soon as you finish to get the chlorine out.
If your scalp dryness is severe or becomes inflamed or painful, seek medical attention. Also consult a doctor if you experience sudden or excessive hair loss, as you might have an underlying medical condition that requires treatment.
Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair
The major benefits of apple cider vinegar for hair are maintaining healthy hair, treating dandruff, promoting hair growth, reducing hair loss and killing head lice. For treating hair problems, diluted vinegar is applied directly to hair or drink in between meals.
Vinegar is a liquid yielded after fermentation, which nearly all of us have in our kitchen shelves. There are countless number of vinegar uses, of which some include cleaning furniture, cooking, food preservation, weed control, health application, etc. In fact, there is hardly any other food based liquid that is as useful as vinegar. Further researches have revealed the unique properties of apple cider vinegar as an effectual tonic for health. It is said to be very effective in natural hair treatments. Let's see why!
How Apple Cider Vinegar Can Benefit Your Hair
This vinegar is made from the pulverized form of apples. This versatile liquid containing acetic acid as the base ingredient is found to have multiple vitamins, mineral salts, pectin and many other nutrients. As far as the benefits are concerned, you can experience positive changes include this liquid in your routine hair care regimen.
Gives Softer Hair All of us wants shiny, soft and tangle free hair that is easy to manage. A simple and natural way to achieve the same is by applying apple cider vinegar to moist hair. Shampoo your hair with a reliable product, as you do on a regular basis. Apply diluted vinegar as a gentle rinse to get lustrous and gentler hair.
Treats Dandruff ProblemSo, you are tired of dandruff and the dirty looking whitish scales? Instead of relying on expensive and harsh chemical based solutions, use this vinegar in appropriate concentration to treat dandruff in the natural way. A major benefit of this vinegar for your hair and scalp treatment, is getting rid of irritating dandruff within a short time.
Helps Kill Head LiceThe benefits also include treating head lice in children. For best results, mix equal parts of tea tree oil and cider vinegar, and use the mixture as a hair rinse solution. The combined effect of tea tree oil (possessing antiparasitic property) and acidic cider vinegar will kill head lice effectually.
Promotes Fast Hair GrowthAs aforementioned, cider vinegar contains essential vitamins and minerals that help in maintaining healthy hair. In order to use the vinegar for hair growth, mix 2 ounces water, 2 ounces cider vinegar and 5 drops of sage essential oil. Use this mixture for rinsing hair before shampooing to achieve thicker hair growth.
Helps Treat Hair LossIf you go through the root cause of hair loss, it is due to the lack of essential salts. Using this vinegar regularly will help in restoring the natural nutrient balance, thereby, promoting regrowth of lost hair. The effective result of this hair loss treatment can be seen within 2 months of its regular usage.
How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair?
Given the importance of this vinegar's benefits for hair, several hair care products contain this liquid as one of their ingredients. If you are impressed with the benefits and want to try it, make sure you purchase pure, organic cider vinegar. You can buy it from grocery stores and nutrition centers. Here are some tips you can follow!
For normal healthy hair, rinse shampooed hair with this vinegar and wash thoroughly with water. Towel dry hair or use a hair dryer at low setting.For treating dandruff, mix 3 teaspoon of this vinegar, 1 egg, 1ounce olive oil and 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Use this concoction before shampooing and leave for 20 minutes.
For hair growth, cover the scalp and hair with dilute cider vinegar and sage oil concoction. Consider wrapping hair with a towel for 30 minutes and then wash your hair.
In order to reap the benefits for hair loss treatment, drink diluted vinegar solution in between meals. Add 1 teaspoon of cider vinegar in one glass of water for the purpose.
So, this was an overview about the benefits and usage of apple cider vinegar. In alternative medicine, the health benefits of apple cider vinegar are analyzed in detail. Most of the claims lack scientific proof and therefore, require further clinical studies for approval. However, the plus point is there is lesser side effects with this liquid. It is stated that drinking undiluted cider vinegar may affect the dental enamel, as it is an acidic solution. Hence, while using vinegar for direct consumption or hair applications, it is best to dilute it first with water.
Twistout 101~ Naptural85
Hair in its unaltered state can be quite beautiful. Everyone's texture is different, so celebrate your uniqueness. Caring for natural hair may sometimes be the same as caring for relaxed hair, but in some ways, it's very different. Take good care of your natural hair with these tips.
Typically, kinky and very kinky hair, the texture that lends itself so readily and beautifully to full Afros, doesn't maintain "good" curl definition without a lot of manipulation. Some people are up for manipulating, some aren't, so keep that in mind when trying to create S-shaped curls where hair naturally falls into a Z-shaped pattern.
Two-strand twists, flat twists, bantu knots and braids can be worn for a period of time and then released; for the best results, use a good holding product, like Kinky-Curly Curling Custard, ORS Lock & Twist Gel or Oyin Shine & Define. Once set, let your hair completely dry before releasing. Fortunately, all of these setting styles are also great stand-alone protective styles, so it's like getting two styles in one.
Ultimately, whether or not your hair holds a curly shape easily should come second to your hair's health. Drowning it in high-alcohol gels or poor-quality products, all for the sake of making curls where none exist, is a recipe for frustration. Curl definition really isn't the be-all and end-all of natural hair. If you have it, fine; if not, that's okay, too, because there are still plenty of styles that work well on Afro-textured locks.
You carefully two-strand twisted your hair, using your favorite products. You covered your hair before bed, ready to rock the twist-out the next day. In the morning, you uncover your hair, gently unravel every twist, give your head a little shake and walk out the door. In a couple of hours, however, your hair no longer looks like a twist-out, but more like a blow-out. What went wrong?
The hair's texture will be slightly loosened and relaxed, while still retaining a good amount of volume. You may have to play with a few products to see how good your coil is defined. Products with Shea butter, essential oils may be the trick or simply an Eco styling gel, this depends on what your hair does, what the climate is outside, and you really getting to know your kinky coils.
Twist-outs are a wonderful natural hairstyle. You get a lot of versatility, depending on the size of twists you make as well as how long you leave them in before unraveling. When you want to turn one hairstyle into two, a twist-out is one of the easiest ways to do it. You start off with two-strand twists, which you can wear for a few days or a week; undo them and now you have another style with little effort.
To make those twist-outs last longer than your commute from bathroom to outdoors, try these tips when making the twists in the first place. Remember, preparation is key.
Use the Right Products for Your Hair
Black hair comes in so many different textures that one product doesn't work for everyone. Your hair may be loosely curled and respond to one type of product. Tightly coiled hair might work better with another. Experimentation is often a big part of finding the perfect product for you. Look for products that offer some type of hold if you plan to turn your twists into a twist-out. Use an alcohol-free gel with medium to firm hold, either alone or with another product (preferably a moisturizing one). Using a combination of products might be enough to give you a twist-out that doesn't swell into another style altogether.
Smaller is Better for Twist-Outs
While the size of your two-strand twists doesn't much matter when you're wearing them in a twisted style, size does matter for twist-outs. Smaller twists lend themselves better to longer lasting twist-outs. It will take more time to fashion small size twists, but the effort is worth it when you have a twist-out that lasts.
Leave Twists in Longer
Consider how your hair will look if you style two-strand twists that are left in for several hours, overnight or for a few days. You'll see a difference in how each of these twist-outs look. The longer you leave twists in, the stronger the set for your twist-out, and the longer it's likely to last.
Nighttime Care Is Important
Once you've worn a twist-out all day, you need to care for your hair before going to sleep to preserve it. A cap or bonnet may flatten your hair, so you can either sleep on a satin or silk pillowcase, or choose one of those huge hair bonnets that are roomy enough not to crush your hairstyle. You can re-twist your hair if you like; it doesn't have to be as exact as a twist style you'd wear outside. In the morning, you might find a little spritz of water or replenishing mist helps refresh your twist-out.
Finally, accept that this may be a one-day style only. If you've tried everything you can think of to make your twist-outs last longer than one day and you still haven't been successful, realize that some hair types are going to frizz more easily than others. For some people, a two-day twist-out is just not doable, either due to their hair type or the weather. Natural hair swells and wants to curl in moist air; if you attempt a twist-out during humid summer months, you probably won't get the long-lasting hold you'd get in a non-humid climate or season. If you live in a non-humid area or attempt a twist-out in the fall and winter, you may have better luck with stretching that twist-out time further.
As an African American woman, I had always been of the opinion that daily washing would dry out African American hair and so I decided to investigate this person's claims. I was eventually led to a number of forums about co-washing hair on a daily basis. I found the threads quite interesting and read everything I could find on the subject. Here is what I learned about co-washing African American hair.
What is Co-washing? Co-washing hair means to use conditioner instead of shampoo to wash hair. One would think that skipping the shampoo step when washing hair would leave it dirty, but the truth is that there is a small amount of detergent in hair conditioner.
How do You Co-Wash Hair: To co-wash hair, you would wet your hair in the same way as you do before you wash it with shampoo. Then you need to massage a liberal amount of conditioner into the scalp. Massage the scalp for several minutes. Next, you would put a plastic cap on your hair and take your shower while you let the conditioner sit. Finally, rinse out the conditioner thoroughly.
What kind of conditioner should you use: According to every suggestion that I read on co-washing, cheap conditioner that costs only $1.00 a bottle will do just fine. Recommended brands include Suave and VO5, but if you don't mind a little extra use something like, Garnier Fructis Pure clean fortifying conditioner~A purer, greener alternative for your hair. Pure Clean conditioner provides stronger, healthier hair with no weigh down. Formulas are free of silicone, paraben or dye.
Typically, kinky and very kinky hair, the texture that lends itself so readily and beautifully to full Afros, doesn't maintain "good" curl definition without a lot of manipulation. Some people are up for manipulating, some aren't, so keep that in mind when trying to create S-shaped curls where hair naturally falls into a Z-shaped pattern.
Two-strand twists, flat twists, bantu knots and braids can be worn for a period of time and then released; for the best results, use a good holding product, like Kinky-Curly Curling Custard, ORS Lock & Twist Gel or Oyin Shine & Define. Once set, let your hair completely dry before releasing. Fortunately, all of these setting styles are also great stand-alone protective styles, so it's like getting two styles in one.
Ultimately, whether or not your hair holds a curly shape easily should come second to your hair's health. Drowning it in high-alcohol gels or poor-quality products, all for the sake of making curls where none exist, is a recipe for frustration. Curl definition really isn't the be-all and end-all of natural hair. If you have it, fine; if not, that's okay, too, because there are still plenty of styles that work well on Afro-textured locks.
You carefully two-strand twisted your hair, using your favorite products. You covered your hair before bed, ready to rock the twist-out the next day. In the morning, you uncover your hair, gently unravel every twist, give your head a little shake and walk out the door. In a couple of hours, however, your hair no longer looks like a twist-out, but more like a blow-out. What went wrong?
The hair's texture will be slightly loosened and relaxed, while still retaining a good amount of volume. You may have to play with a few products to see how good your coil is defined. Products with Shea butter, essential oils may be the trick or simply an Eco styling gel, this depends on what your hair does, what the climate is outside, and you really getting to know your kinky coils.
Twist-outs are a wonderful natural hairstyle. You get a lot of versatility, depending on the size of twists you make as well as how long you leave them in before unraveling. When you want to turn one hairstyle into two, a twist-out is one of the easiest ways to do it. You start off with two-strand twists, which you can wear for a few days or a week; undo them and now you have another style with little effort.
To make those twist-outs last longer than your commute from bathroom to outdoors, try these tips when making the twists in the first place. Remember, preparation is key.
Use the Right Products for Your Hair
Black hair comes in so many different textures that one product doesn't work for everyone. Your hair may be loosely curled and respond to one type of product. Tightly coiled hair might work better with another. Experimentation is often a big part of finding the perfect product for you. Look for products that offer some type of hold if you plan to turn your twists into a twist-out. Use an alcohol-free gel with medium to firm hold, either alone or with another product (preferably a moisturizing one). Using a combination of products might be enough to give you a twist-out that doesn't swell into another style altogether.
Smaller is Better for Twist-Outs
While the size of your two-strand twists doesn't much matter when you're wearing them in a twisted style, size does matter for twist-outs. Smaller twists lend themselves better to longer lasting twist-outs. It will take more time to fashion small size twists, but the effort is worth it when you have a twist-out that lasts.
Leave Twists in Longer
Consider how your hair will look if you style two-strand twists that are left in for several hours, overnight or for a few days. You'll see a difference in how each of these twist-outs look. The longer you leave twists in, the stronger the set for your twist-out, and the longer it's likely to last.
Nighttime Care Is Important
Once you've worn a twist-out all day, you need to care for your hair before going to sleep to preserve it. A cap or bonnet may flatten your hair, so you can either sleep on a satin or silk pillowcase, or choose one of those huge hair bonnets that are roomy enough not to crush your hairstyle. You can re-twist your hair if you like; it doesn't have to be as exact as a twist style you'd wear outside. In the morning, you might find a little spritz of water or replenishing mist helps refresh your twist-out.
Finally, accept that this may be a one-day style only. If you've tried everything you can think of to make your twist-outs last longer than one day and you still haven't been successful, realize that some hair types are going to frizz more easily than others. For some people, a two-day twist-out is just not doable, either due to their hair type or the weather. Natural hair swells and wants to curl in moist air; if you attempt a twist-out during humid summer months, you probably won't get the long-lasting hold you'd get in a non-humid climate or season. If you live in a non-humid area or attempt a twist-out in the fall and winter, you may have better luck with stretching that twist-out time further.
As an African American woman, I had always been of the opinion that daily washing would dry out African American hair and so I decided to investigate this person's claims. I was eventually led to a number of forums about co-washing hair on a daily basis. I found the threads quite interesting and read everything I could find on the subject. Here is what I learned about co-washing African American hair.
What is Co-washing? Co-washing hair means to use conditioner instead of shampoo to wash hair. One would think that skipping the shampoo step when washing hair would leave it dirty, but the truth is that there is a small amount of detergent in hair conditioner.
How do You Co-Wash Hair: To co-wash hair, you would wet your hair in the same way as you do before you wash it with shampoo. Then you need to massage a liberal amount of conditioner into the scalp. Massage the scalp for several minutes. Next, you would put a plastic cap on your hair and take your shower while you let the conditioner sit. Finally, rinse out the conditioner thoroughly.
What kind of conditioner should you use: According to every suggestion that I read on co-washing, cheap conditioner that costs only $1.00 a bottle will do just fine. Recommended brands include Suave and VO5, but if you don't mind a little extra use something like, Garnier Fructis Pure clean fortifying conditioner~A purer, greener alternative for your hair. Pure Clean conditioner provides stronger, healthier hair with no weigh down. Formulas are free of silicone, paraben or dye.
Defining Your Natural Coil~
What you want to look for when choosing hair styling products that promise to give you wavy no frizz hair is the ingredients in the bottle, look for things such as vitamin E, soybean oil, sunflower seed oil, aloe vera is good too.
Aloe vera juice is a good PH balancing agent to add to a great leave in conditioner, also you have to find a product like, like not today that helps your hair, keep its definition. There are a number of things that come into play like humidity, and how much product you have in your hair.
You can style hair in a way that will loosen its tight texture pattern. After shampooing and conditioning, apply natural oils and/or a clear, light gel. Then braid or twist your hair. The number of plaits or twists is up to you. Small braids and twists will leave hair more tightly curled than larger braided or twisted sections. Let the hair dry.
Acerola Berry Antioxidant
94% BIODEGRADABLE FORMULAA lightweight leave in conditioner is great to help with moisture through your styles.
How often should you co-wash your hair? Some people report co-washing their hair on a daily basis and styling hair while wet into an afro, or and Afro puff. Others report co-washing hair two or three times a week. People with very thick and long hair that takes hours to dry, co-wash their hair only once a week.
Should people who co-wash ever use shampoo. Shampoo should be used once every three of four washes. For people who co-wash their hair on a daily basis, shampoo should be used once a week. The reason for using shampoo occasionally is to remove any build up from the conditioner.
Does co-washing really make hair more manageable? I did have an accidental experiment with co-washing hair. My teenage daughter has the kind of hair that most African American Women would kill for. A few months ago, for several weeks in a row I sent her to wash her hair saying only, please use conditioner. Around the third wash, I realized her hair had become very soft. I asked her what she had done differently and she replied, "I washed my hair with conditioner". She had followed my instructions to the word and only used conditioner. Therefore, my accidental trial showed that co-washing hair could make hair softer and more manageable. I am currently doing this, co-washing her hair every week to two weeks. Her hair is growing like a weed and is healthy, shiny and soft.
Pin it up and finish your shower.
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